Monday, April 25, 2011

Let Steph keep.................

This morning I received a spam email from 'Steph - she is looking for me.' The temptation is really great to open the email and give a reply, but then that might give Stephanie a clue as to where I am, or encourage her bogus originators to keep sending me emails, which in turn keeps my spam filter clogged with garbage.

So I've decided to let Steph keep looking for me; maybe the search will give her time to reconsider whether or not I'm worth the hassle, which of course really doesn't make any difference because I never intend on opening her mail. I wonder how may such searches are made, and what is the percentage of those - like me - that go unanswered?
Well, I'll never know because even though I contemplate such questions, I don't really care to know the answers, if they are available....... so Steph, sorry girl, you'll have knock on someone else's email box.
SO SAD...........

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