Friday, April 15, 2011

A Conversation with God

Before I make additional comments concerning this book I will share with you may review to

"What's that, God?"
All of us from time to time would love to hold a face-to-face conversation with God, though we've been reminded innumerable times that God's ways and thoughts are not ours, thanks to the prophet Isaiah. Yet we question and believe that God will reply in terms that are simple and easy to understand. I've said all that to say I applaud Mr. Gansky for writing this book and giving us that permission; yet after reading it I felt somewhat let down. I believe the questions are much too simple, in our complex world we want answers that speak directly to our individual situations. The book is good as a resource guide, and certainly there are plenty of scripture references to light the way. On the other hand there is a lot of theology which I suppose, to a degree, can't be avoided, though I believe a lot of it here could have. For sometimes our theological persuasions can be road blocks to true biblical understanding. My real fear about this book is that many may see it as more than a reference book and take it as a literal answer book. Having written a rather negative critique let me say that the theme of this book is a positive reminder we can come to God with any question, and probably all of us should converse with God more often and be more honest.
The opinions expressed here are all my own. I did receive a free copy of this book from the publisher through book review bloggers program; and was asked to write an honest review.
Conversation with God by Alton Gansky
Thomas Nelson, Inc. Publishers.

Let me go on here to say if I had had to purchase the book I probably would not have done so, but since I had agreed to and received the book free, I labored through the book. In being honest though let me say I thought that perhaps it might have been a little deeper than it was; although I could read others reviews before getting the book I don't tend to trust them that much ... oops there goes the intergrity and validity of my review; of well. I am in no way saying I didn't profit through this exercise because I did if for nothing more than being aware of my inadequacy in my conversations with God. And that is profit enough. I do hope that no one though forsakes other avenues of finding conversation with God ... through the voice of his spirit also. Well I've pretty well exhausted this subject.


  1. Books are always a crap-shoot. Either you get one thinking it will be so-so, or you fall in love with the dust jacket blurb and are disappointed. That's why everyone should just read more!

