Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Anglicans, Episcopals and friends...

Our keyboard artist, Esther, is a native Kenyan. Her mother came across the waters and plains to be with her and her husband for a month; and we had the great honor of sharing Easter with her, and also a meal. Now her mother is a Chief Warden in the Anglican church, which my sister in Christ, fellow Episcopal priest in town Gretchen told me was quite a position of responsibility and honor in the church.
Esther's mom had wanted to get some vestments for her Anglican pastor and I had asked Gretchen earlier where would be the best place to purchase some, and she had told me that she thought her church would like to donate some, Esther's mum was elated. So today I introduced Esther's mum to Gretchen and it was a great hour; after Gretchen proudly gave us the exclusive tour of the Rectory where she lives, she took us to the church, and there presented mum with three shrocks [vestments, etc.] to give to her pastor. It was a heart-warming affair!
I thought about the message this coming sunday about how those two followers of Christ finally realized that while Jesus explained scripture to them their hearts were strangely warmed. I don't know, but I'd be willing to stake a claim that this transaction today is going to bring two churches, one from Kenya - one from America,
both in the Anglican family many, many happy blessings in the future. And I am so joyful that I was able to play a small part in bringing them together!

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