Monday, December 21, 2009

A yeast filled fun weekend.

Yesterday our church congregation lovingly shared with us cards, and gifts. The good wife and I gave everyone there a homemade yeast roll. The Saturday before I spent nearly all the afternoon and some of the evening baking 108 yeast rolls, and since I don't care for them, my wife was the taste tester and she said they were delicious. The joy was in making them, these getting old and semi-arthritic arms were rejoicing as I stirred that last batch in the early evening. Earlier Saturday afternoon a caroling group of teens and adults sang a couple Christmas songs at our front door and left us with a plate of cookies - that magic of Christmas and cookies! Back to Sunday - In the evening at church we had an afterglow that simply fantastic .... its seems that the more afterglows we have the better and more plentiful the food becomes at each one - and of course there were loads of cookies, but the fellowship trumped the food as blessings of the holidays were bestowed on each other.


  1. It's time you sprang for a Hamilton Beach stand mixer. Truly, the cat's meow for baking.


  2. I love the holiday treats this time of year. The waistline of my jeans however detest them.

  3. Sherm.
    There's something about, as Paula Dean, getting your hands into it, doing it the old fashioned way, that I hate to give up. thanks.
    I've found there's a simple solution [well its not really a solution; how about temporary fix?]to that, buy bigger pants, as a Christmas gift. thanks.

  4. You don't like yeast rolls? That's like not liking chocolate! Sounds like you had a nice weekend.

  5. Sage
    Oh I like yeast rolls, I just don't care for the ones I bake, but the wife likes them. Have a good Christmas and New Year!
