Tuesday, October 27, 2009

That's My Boy!!

Today my son said the 'invocation' at the Detroit Economic Council meeting!! This is a pretty prestigous annual gathering of the economic leaders and financial minds coming together to see what can be done about the Detroit area's economic survival and success ................ CONGRATULATIONS Son - the Old Man is really proud of you!


  1. Congrats, indeed.


  2. Sherm...
    Here is the email my son sent me.
    'The DEC strongly demands the invocation be ecumenical and SHORT!

    [Here's his invocation:
    Source of Wisdom, we seek Your widom today
    Creator, more than ever teach us to be innovative and faithful stewards of our environments.
    Architect, show us what must be newly built
    Leader, make us ever aware of our responsibility to lead
    Giver, we give You thanks for that which we have and will receive today.
