Thursday, August 19, 2010

Vacations, vacations.........

While I'm in a grumbling mood let me comment on what seems to be an 'issue' in today's political climate ..... President Obama's vacations! I don't begrudge the President vacation time, if I have an issue with it, its about being sensitive to where those vacations take place. Now let it be known I rarely agree with the President on any matter, however I can only imagine the necessity for time away in such a high powered job. Perhaps the opposite is true, and former presidents should have taken more time away? It has been rightly noted that the President's vacations have been for only a few days at a time .... and I believe only 20 this year. That's not even 3 full weeks, good gracious most people have that many. The problem I believe is in 'where' he goes; does he not realize the high profile position he is in, and how just a little sensitivity to where he vacations can accrue or decrease political capital. I am a minister, so my vacations are carefully planned out so it doesn't seem like there is one 'big' time when I'm gone, or a bunch of 'little' times close together. I'm well aware that what people perceive is often wrong, but its utterly foolish of me to present a picture that can be easily misinterpreted; and the places where we go are not over the top to where the majority of our people might spend their vacations. After the President's term of office is over [which if something doesn't dramatically change, looks like it could be sooner than later] he, and his family, will have all the time and probably resoures in the world to go where they wish ... still largely our tax dollars, i.e. security, etc. Which leads me to only one brief comment about his wife's recent trip to Spain, 'what was he thinking?' Michele is not the president, he is, the trip was his ultimate responsibility ... just like I don't blame Eve, Adam could have insisted she never eat the fruit!?!. Have a great day, I'm in a writing mood, I may be back today.


  1. I'm not sure how I feel on this issue. Like you, I don't begrudge the president time off to get away from the political circus. However, Michele's trip just rubbed me the wrong way as being excessive. It would be so much easier if they all just vacationed at Camp David and nowhere else.

  2. That might be a 'good amendment' to the constitution regarding the presidents job description ...........I'll vote for it! The arrogance and insensitivity of the trip to Spain boggles my mind.
