Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pretty interesting family day

Since I have started going home to see Mom on thursdays, one of her sisters and her husband have started going home to see Grandma. So today for lunch we call sat at Grandma's house and ate. It was a lot of fun, as we talked and enjoyed each other's company and remarked about what a coincidence this 'family tradition' was becoming. It vaguely reminded me of my childhood when I lived just a couple of houses down the street from Grandpa and Grandma's and across the street from an aunt and uncle - those where the days!! The days when you could weekly see your grandparents and relatives, until sometimes you wished you couldn't; little did I know then that days would come when I would anticipate the joy of visiting relatives again. Grandma is 97 now, and so every visit is a treasure as she struggles physically but is mentally as sharp as a whip ......... its really neat to hear her tell stories of yesterday!


  1. My mom always talks about being a little girl in south St. Louis and walking home from school past her grandparents' house. Every day, she'd stop for a half and hour and just chit-chat over a class of milk and a cookie or two. These are some of her fondest memories. It's too bad our transient society precludes that sort of intergenerational communication these days.


  2. I'm sure it takes more of a disciplined effort nowdays [and often costly]. Last night my son/family from Detroit came over for a couple hours to celebrate the 'good wife's' birthday. Considering it takes a couple hours to get here, and only staying a few hours then the long drive back it was really neat, and created memories for my grandkids.
