Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Lepers and Convicts

I am in the midst of reading a first novel by a new author. Picked up the book at BArnes & Noble last night as my wife was shopping. I don't usually comment on a book until I've finished reading it, but I just have to share a story in it; I'll be finished with it in a day or two, depending on how much reading time I get. The title of the book is 'In the Sanctuary of Outcasts' by Neil White. It is about a Federal Institution that housed both Lepers and Fed Convicts in Carville, Louisiana. The author mentions that Dr. Paul Brand, a reknown doctor in treating Leprosy in India and the innovator of how to restore feelings in their hands and feet, was once a doctor in residence at CArville, and he became known to everyone there as 'Saint Paul' because of his compassion and commitment. Having read Dr.Brands inspirational book, 'The Forever Feast' and the book he co-authored w/Philip Yancy, 'Fearfully and Wonderfully Made,' I was deeply touched to find out that he had made such an impact on this last leper sanctuary in America. The author makes no pretense to this being a book about religion, nor does he mention Dr.Brands religion outside the statement Brand was a missionary to India, yet this amazing story was more than worth the price of the book. This story will always stick in my mind, not only because of Dr.Brands influence but because of how God works, through mysterious and secretive ways to bring his message and healing in places we're not even aware of.

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