Monday, April 19, 2010

Women bewitch while men read!

I have never doubted the power of women to bewitch but evidently I have failed to appreciate their powers of total persuasion. An Iranian cleric proclaims that women who fail to adhere to strict laws can cause earthquakes. Now I put this prediction in the same category as Protestant clergy who proclaim that God looses natures forces on all mankind because of some people's disregard for his laws. Not that disobeying God's laws don't have severe, eternal consequences for they most certainly do to those who chose to disobey, and I am not trivializing or mocking Muslim faith ... I'm just asking 'if women have these kinds of latent powers - powers to move nature to birth certain disasters - then isn't it somewhat unwise to be so harsh in criticizing them? I really doubt that my wife has so much influence over nature, though she can be pretty bewitching, and persuasive if I attempt to push the wrong buttons.

Being a somewhat avid reader I was delighted to come across the following essay by Jon Meacham 'How To Read Like a President.' The article is quite informative and delightful. [fr.New York Times] I really like this article, and find it quite fascinating. I wonder how it would work with religious leaders, I am certain that would be a most interesting study; so I'm going to definitely save this article. After reading this article I came across another interesting piece from The Hill's
Blog Briefing Room, 'First prez owes serious book fine' by Tony Romm. Evidently our long-deceased President George Washington still has not paid a late library fee; nor did he make arrangements with those who outlived him to pay the fine. So they have sent the bill to the current President expecting him to pay the fee - go figure; oops excuse me they already have figured to the tune of more than $300,000. Normally I don't bother to read the extra comments at the end of an article but this was just too good to pass up, so here are a few of them, paraphrased of course. would certainly be a good idea for President Obama to
to pardon George from having to pay the fee, and it
might secure the votes of his living relatives.
..congress can easily pay the bill, they've become experts
in bailouts!
..get a search warrant for his home in Mount Vernon
..sue his relatives
..turn it over to the Education Department, let them
figure out how to get it. the article in our history books, we definitely don't
want our kids to think ole George was perfect
perhaps you have a few of your own!
Now if women are bewitching while men are reading, whose minding the store?

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