Friday, April 23, 2010


Tonight the good wife and I get to meet our kids half-way and bring home our granddaughter for the weekend ..........but I don't know what time or where at, and my wife has left it up to me??? oh boy. A few moments ago I came across an article from an Idaho paper, 'Death of CAVEMAN ends an era in Idaho.' A man known as the Salmon River Caveman died at 94, after being taken to a nursing home a year ago by a concerned friend, but then he walked out and returned to his cave-home by the river. He's was one of the few surviving known individuals who live completely dependant upon nature. He even rented out some of the rooms in his multiple cave home. Its really a very interesting article about a man who was totally self-sufficient. Its said he was briefly married once, but decided that having a wife was too much company, plus she got tired of living in a cave! Earlier today I came across a headline story on the news that talked about secrecy but gave all the information about the military space plane that was recently launched from Cape Canaveral. The unmanned X-37B is supposed to be the space craft that introduces the next generation of space exploration. It is interesting that all the plans for this launch are in the news, and pictures of it are also included [I wonder if the President knows about it?]. What a secret? I hope I find out before too long where we're going this evening and where we will meet our kids - that's a secret I'm hoping doesn't exist too long.


  1. Nothing that comes out in the mainstream press is a surprise to those in the know. A lot of stuff is deliberately leaked to let the other side get a feel for what we've got. The entire Cold War was predicated on that stuff.

    My dad worked as an engineer for the Military Industrial Complex and had Top Secret security clearances. (Every so often, the FBI would poke around the neighborhood when his clearance was up for renewal.) Anyway, he told that a lot of stuff in the papers was deliberate misinformation designed to keep the Soviets off the trail or to mislead about how far along our capacity was.


  2. Nothing that comes out in the mainstream press is a surprise to those in the know. A lot of stuff is deliberately leaked to let the other side get a feel for what we've got.

    ...except for possibly Apple's loss of their next generation iphone in a bar somewhere in California. Since they are very deliberate with their secrets, I've got to believe that was a mistake.
