Thursday, April 22, 2010

Crying, Church and Chickens

At long last, after 60+yrs, I've had concerns answered as to why I'm a whiner. I know that I am because my wife affirms that every so often, and I can't talk about family history w/my mother without her telling me how much I cried as a baby. Childcare expert Penelope Leach has just published a new book that claims that distressed baby's who are repeatedly allowed to cry are at risk of developing problems later in life! There it is, I can now with confidence know that my intellectual lack of growth is no longer my fault - I can blame it on my parents for letting me cry so much. So since I'm now an officially sanctioned cry baby, that's what I'll do for a moment. Arnold Ahlert the other day wrote an article titled, 'Bashing Christians - or Gays?' And in this article he talks about a fact not often mentioned by the gay community, that peodophile priests are 'preying' on boys, not girls. I am getting pretty sick of gays [and all others that do] picking on the Catholic Church because of its covering for these priests, and on this point I agree whole-heartedly with them, that the church has covered up, but for not including in the conversation the sexual orientation of the priests, and why accuse everyone that is a CAtholic; instead lets put the whole picture into perspective?! [And I'm not even a Catholic] Well, I'll probably get some whiners to respond to my perceived insensitivity, but being a whiner myself that comes with being open about your feelings. Last, but not least I was excited to see that my favorite fast-food resturant, CHic-Fil-A is coming to Chicago. Now that's not going to affect me except that it shows the food chain is slowly moving NORTH; the article says that from 20-25 new stores in the next five years are going to be built there! Right now I have to drive two hours south to Ft.Wayne, Ind. to get a fowl-fix! This is a christian chain, and for that alone I would support them, they are closed on Sunday, they have religious themed toys in their kids meals and promote religious programs. A few months ago I forgot all about that, and driving SOUTH I went a number of miles out of my way to stop at the Chic-Fil-A; once I arrived at their closed sign, for just a few seconds I wished they would have been open. Now I'm having tears of joy just thinking about a chic-fil-a within less than an hour of where i live - that would be cool; besides its really not that much fun whining when no one knows you are!


  1. One of the problems with our society is that many people have a tendency to sacrifice common humanity for group identity. That is, the gay community doesn't want to be seen as not supporting its own against the Catholic Church. Of course, having practiced that reticence, the community is outraged at the appearance of caricatures or stereotypes.


  2. Parents make a good scapegoat--which goes both ways. We have an excuse, but so do our children! Chic-Fil-A... my wife knows that one in Ft. Wayne!

  3. I've driven by many a Chic-Fil-A on my journies south but have never eaten in one. I'm assuming from your comments that they must be pretty good.

    I sure hope the pope steps up to the plate and sets some new policies that rids our church of this problem but I'm not going to hold my breath.

  4. Ed..... I know that Sage's wife and I think they are the best chicken places on the map! I hope the pope does too, I'm getting tired of the whiners; even those I be one.
