Saturday, April 10, 2010

Blessed beyond measure....

Most of you who are reading this entry will remember the prior one where all my genealogy papers were stolen by thieves who thought they were getting my laptop .... well when we arrived home last night there was a message from the police department in the N.Y. city we were visiting relatives. My computer bag had been thrown in a garbage can [just as we suspected when they found there was no computer] and the neighbor took the bag out and took it to the police station! I don't know how many or what kind of shape they are in, but I am so blessed ... so this Monday I will call the Records dept. at the police station, give them my daughter's name, and then she will be able to pick them up and send them to me! I am so blessed; and I must also admit I have never had the kind of compassion I should have when people have lost material things, now I know the anguish of losing memories and keepsakes ... and I have been fortunate to have them returned to me!


  1. Excellent end to this story. I hope they are all in good condition.

  2. Awesome. It's nice to know some people still do the right thing.


  3. Ed... Thanks so much.

    Sherm... That's exactly what I thought, and I suspect there are 'many' people who still do the right thing!
