Monday, June 1, 2009

Begin a new book club

I am very interested in starting a book club, both online and on site; is there anyone else out there also interested. This could be an interesting site for discussion and exploration, and perhaps we could start with 'The Shack?' ............. interested, let me know.


  1. I read The Shack last summer. I thought it was a good book to get people talking, but some of the theology is nuts.

  2. That seems to be pretty much the impression I'm getting. I've read almost 200[literally] reviews from, plus been to the authors website. Colson thinks its crazy, but Eugene Peterson likes it, so...............

  3. My wife borrowed my copy of the Shack and I haven't got it back to read yet... maybe this would be a way to get me to read it.

  4. It would be interesting to see what your wife thinks about it. In reading the reviews there was definitely a difference between how women and men viewed the book. It seemed that women related to it emotionally, where most men were more theological about it.
