Friday, March 5, 2010

Yea, for global warming, at least where I live!

I am neither a climatologist nor scientist. What I know about climatology comes from newscasters whose batting percentages rank below minor leaguer's [to any Minor League Baseball player this is a compliment to you, not a put down]. What I know about science would definitely mark me as a losing contender on the tv show 'do you know more than a fifth-grader?; on that show I would be trampled, pummeled, slapped up silly, you name it. I've stayed as far away as I can from the swirling controversial winds of global warming for those two reasons alone; but I can tell you the last few months have done nothing to convince to believe in it. HOwever, just a few minutes ago I had to go on an errand, yes in one of those carbon monoxide spewing Hondo 4-cyclinders, but since I haven't seen anyone bowl over in the wake, its okay with me. It was absolutely warm outside!!!! here and there were patches of brown earth, and occasionally some patches with green in them, the snow is melting and not even a small patch of ice to be found on the roads. If global warming wants to come to my town, I'm not going to be the one to fight it because I'm fairly certain before this month ends it will lose it way and we'll again experience those days when getting warm is a major accomplishment - for now I'm rejoicing.


  1. We can revisit this conversation again towards the first part of August.

  2. I have resisted posting the now over 100 links, mostly from Britain, about the fabrication of evidence, ignoring of scientific method, and outright deceit in the pursuit of money and power, perpetrated by the Climate Change crowd. Alas, our media is so emotionally invested in the narrative, that it ignores the ever growing body of evidence to the contrary.

    I may have to reevaluate my resistance in that regard.

