Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Went home

This week I went home to spend a day with mom and grandma, and we had a good time. While talking with them I learned that my great grandpa used to tell my grandma about the Potawatomi Indians that used to camp outside our home town on the St.Joe river, and how he would brag that we had some Indian blood in us, on the Creek[name] side of us. So I began to do some research, sadly I'm not that good with the internet, but I am beginning to see some results, and even came across a man who is supplying me with authentic history about our ancestors. This is really becoming quite interesting,especially since no one in my family has explored to any great depth this branch of our family's roots; but my hope is that one day I will find evidence of that 'link' that I have native Indian blood coursing through my veins!!


  1. I think most of us, whose families have been here since the early 19th Century or before have some native blood. Around here the Sauk/Fox and Cherokee (Trail of Tears) are everywhere.


  2. Be very careful because genealogy is very addicting. I'm been addicted for the better part of five years now with no signs of recovery.

    I've got most of my family branches back to the late 18th century or to the arriving immigrant and I have yet to find an Indian among the ranks. That perhaps explains my mayonnaise white skin that never does anything but burn.

  3. I know I've already got the fever! I'm fairly caught up on my mom's parents sides, though its my grandma's I'm working on right now, and I did find an ancestor that supposedly married a Cherokee Indian, although its heavily contested. My dad's parents both come from pretty much the same stock, German mennonites so that the easy branch. I've got records going back to Germany. Its beginning to look like my grandma's stock comes from Ireland .. I don't have red hair or freckles, or little green toes, I'm guessing they got weeded out somewhere.
