Saturday, March 6, 2010

Some Saturday Sprinklings!

Last night, the good wife and I saw the movie Leap Year! Its a romantic comedy, and Amy Adams [she starred in the movie Julie & Julia] was a main character. The movie is an engaging comedy with a subtle principal ... look before you leap. Guys, this is a great date night activity, only have the surprise supper after the movie, and bring a little gift along! Trust me, it will work. The good wife and I had a nice meal before hand and it did keep us from indulging in the buttered popcorn and diet soda's. The theater room where this movie was playing was pretty well packed with middle aged people and old-timers like me.

This morning I was leafing through a book I had bought a copy of for a lady in our church that just had surgery, 'Our Heavenly Father' by Robert Frost [not the poet]. I came across a couple of sentences that ignited some wonderful thoughts about the unlimited thinking of our Creator. 'God's will is a process which does not stop with death. We need to be conditioned to this larger horizon or we will ever be measuring things by a short and faulty yardstick.' [p.130] Never in any depth have I thought about the fact that we are created not just for a purpose here on earth, but also in eternity, creative living takes place in eternity also. I once heard someone say, 'if all I'm going to do is lay around in heaven for eternity, I'm not so sure that's going to be worth it.' At the time I didn't considers how accurate that statement might be, but according to this author God has created us not just to live with him in eternity but to actually have a significant purpose there. Now if that's the case, and I'm thinking its a pretty good case, what would God have in mind for my eternal purpose if he's preparing me here by my being a preacher?? I won't be needing to spread the Good News, its being lived out; I won't be needing to be a chaplain, all illness, aging and tears don't exist; no need for counseling; and certainly won't have any financial concerns - so what am I going to do? The second thought I had on reading these words was 'we need to be conditioned to this larger
horizon or we will be ever measuring things by a short and faulty yardstick.' I'm guessing that is implying that rather than measuring life by our temporal circumstances and existence, we need to start holding things up against the light of eternity, in some sense I already do that, but I'm thinking this is going beyond the question of is this worth eternity or will it help me get to heaven ,so I'm going to try to get some tougher grips on this one. .......... all wisdom and ideas are welcomed!!

This past week the good wife and I made a pork roast, and there is so much there we will never eat it, so rather than freeze it and forget about it, I've cut it up and am bbq'ing it. I've never done that before, so this is going to an experience. If it turns out okay, I'll make a couple sandwiches and give the rest away. I like to cook, and when things turn out good give them away.

Well, I've got to get back to work, God was speaking to me this morning and there's a couple pages of my sermon that have to be changed, so I'd best get to it.


  1. Query: Why "store up treasures in Heaven" if there is no purpose for them (or us) there?


  2. The theology I've heard in that respect is that when we get to heaven we will lay our crowns [treasures] before him ...... of course, I'm not aware of any commentary on what that may mean as far as being able to pick them up and incorporate them into our future with Him.
