Monday, August 24, 2009

I Am A Proud Owner of .....

An appendix! According to a recent scientific discovery, the appendix long [check the photo for how long it really is] thought to be nothing more than useless, turns out to be one of our body's most effect disease fighters, and maker & trainer of white blood cells .... and I still have mine. 'Maybe it's time to change the textbooks,' says researcher William Parker of Duke Univ. Med. Center. You can find the article at
Makes you wonder what else someone might be missing that was thought to be useless by science?


  1. Darn. Another piece of evidence for the constant adaptation of the species and ergo the the truth of the materialistic origins of life goes down the drain. What will Dawkins and Hitchens do?

    < / tongue in cheek>


  2. My only thought about that is 'sue Darwin!'
