Thursday, August 27, 2009

America Is Not a Christian Nation, It is a Nation because of its Christians.

A lot has been made of our President's remarks that America is not a Christian nation. Perhaps there is much more truth in that statement than we in Christendom want to acknowledge. While reading the book 'From Achilles to Christ' I came across this portion tonight that took me back to the president's statement.

Much debate has been raised in our country about whether America is primarily the product of secular Enlightenment thought or Judeo-Christian values and beliefs. Perhaps the best solution to this impasse is to acknowledge the secular roots of much of our democratic system while remembering that the only reason that our system works is that it is built on a body of citizens who are mostly Christians and therefore morally self-regulating. That is to say, if America were ever to lose her grounding in Christian morality, her governmental systems would eventually collapse from within. [p.88]

I must say I believe it is far easier for many Christians to blame what they see as an increasingly godless government for their lack of commitment than themselves. When we look back on our countries history it is tempting to forget that it was the 'personal' faith of many founding fathers that lead our country into following moral values; these morals values didn't just fall from the sky. Hence we're not to take our cue from culture, but culture is to take its cue from godly men and women first devoted to Christ. Maybe, just maybe [and perhaps even unbeknown to himself] our president was on the precipice of a truth that God has been trying to show to us all along ...... makes you think doesn't it?


  1. I recall the quoted section from the book which, incidentally, I highlighted at the time. I thinks it's a spot-on analysis of the reasons for our country's previous success.

    Nonetheless, I believe that with Post Modernism and the endless deconstruction of the what heretofore we knew as "Truth" and "The Grand Narrative" has diminished the influence of those of us with a morality, grounded in the idea of transcendence, which leads to the self-regulation, which Markos notes.

    Stated differently, everyone has a morality. It is either transcendent and exists separate from us mere mortals or it is situational. Those who deny the transcendent are left with a morality predicated solely upon the exercise of power over another.


  2. "I believe it is far easier for many Christians to blame what they see as an increasingly godless government for their lack of commitment than themselves."

