Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Final Summit

I thought it was……
I am fan of Andy Andrews but I regretfully didn’t find his book “The Final Summit” the final principle or final answer to save mankind. His fable about David Ponder having a summit with past great world leaders was good
reading, however he was quite correct in that even their accumulative wisdom couldn’t come up with the solution …. Let’s be serious what kind of
solution to the salvation of mankind is ‘do something.’ There have been plenty of times when most of us, not knowing what to do, did something, then wished we had done nothing.

We’re introduced again to Gabriel the archangel who has anything but angelic characteristics [what is an angelic characteristic aside from carrying out God’s instructions] and yet character is one of the main considerations.
How many angels, on a mission from God are going to take offense because
Their station in the hierarchy of angels is not respected; or how many angels
Have the ability to take on human characteristics. If this was just a read for entertainment or pleasure I could over look these things, but obviously
Andy has an agenda, and with an agenda one must be extremely cautious
in developing characters, and making unsustainable generalizations.

After their third guess in the book I thought I had found the one principle, ‘love others.’ That seems to be the main message that Jesus brought with him, and the same message he left his disciples. It appears to me to be the height of human arrogance to think that we, in our own wisdom, can find the
solution to get civilization back on track. Perhaps sticking with a couple
principles to influence our society might be better than trying to find that
‘one’ that eclipses all others; particularly when that ‘one’ found is devoid
of the very essence that makes us different from the rest of God’s creation.

This book was free from the Thomas Nelson booksneeze.com bloggers
Review program; and no conditions were made on its review. ANDREWS, Andy. ‘The Final Summit.’ Nashville, Tenn. 2010, ISBN: 9780785231202

1 comment:

  1. While I appreciate Christ's "Love Everybody" message, that isn't the whole message. His message was salvation which implies the question, "From what?" It's the "what" part, coupled with His/God's sacrificial Love which is the Gospel.

