Monday, May 2, 2011

A Dead Beat

This is almost a companion article to the one I wrote earlier this morning in theme of 'death.' It is not my habit to talk about books I'm in the process of reading, I much prefer to critique them after-wards - but alas temptation has once again hooked its claws into my mind.
A week ago while perusing through the library's new books shelve I came across a most interesting title to a book, 'The Dead Beat: The Perverse Pleasures of Obituaries'
...and I'm certainly enjoying it. Let me say upfront if you find obituaries somewhat boring, you probably would ditch this book before finishing the first chapter. However I'm finding it delightful and can't wait to share it with you. Matter of fact I'm paying a lot closer attention to the obituaries in our little town paper and have thought about writing my own. Now that births [catch the pun there] many problems, how do I write my own obit without sounding prideful? what is the proper amount of humility without failing to broadcast my many virtues? will my family/friends yield to the temptation to change some of it? where can I store it so I don't forget where I placed it, yes even in computer files ... these questions rather than helping to pave the way are only tiring me out - guess I'll just wait to start tackling them for another day, if I live that long! Now that's a terrible thought because then my obit will be totaling in the hands of others????

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