Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Felt kinda' sorry for......

The room was all prepared for area pastors to come to the annual volunteer chaplaincy program. There were all sorts of cold drinks, orange juice and coffee. Some delicious cherry turnovers and a huge bowl of fruit; the speakers were all confirmed and the hospital chaplain was cheerfully prepared to greet each one - there were all most a dozen volunteers who said they would be there ......... but as the minutes passed by there were only two of us from the community. Evidently it was not a good time for the conference, and so a half hour into waiting the two of us were regretfully dismissed by the chaplain, as his assistant was making calls of cancellation to the scheduled speakers - maybe in the fall. I'm not throwing stones at my fellow brothers/sisters, in ministry, there are always last minute interruptions; and had the chaplain not personally phoned me last Friday, I would have forgotten it also. I guess its just that I know the disappointment when you've gone to a lot of time and energy to plan something and hardly anyone shows up .... but he put on his clergy face and was a good sport about it - maybe in the early fall sometime?!
I think another concern of mine is how this will appear to the hospital staff that was going to be involved in it; I'm sure that each speaker had spent time in preparing for their individual 15 minute presentations - though the sessions appear brief the information they share is vital to effective hospital chaplaincy and relations...well perhaps grace will prevail. Oh, I did get my annual TB shot, and in my paranoia looked away, now I'm glad the lady didn't give it to me after she finds out the conference was going to be cancelled, after the scheduled starting time ... I'm always a little scared of people that either give shots or cook my food if they've just discovered some negative news.

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