Friday, January 29, 2010

The Pity-Party That Never Got Off The Ground!

Well its the fourth day since She Who Can Only Be Loved's Florida vacation and my sleeping patterns are all messed up - I go to bed late, I wake either extremely early or barely in time to make it to the office 'on time.' This past Wed. a good friend was incarcerated, and I probably won't get to visit him until the first of next week; last night God decided to call to his side a lady from our church; and my wife's mom is in the hospital with a torn Aorta. So real early this morning I put in motion these plans for a big pity-party. I used to be an expert at scheduling them, and my execution was sometimes brilliant if I say so myself. [Of course, no one else will, that's a part of the celebration right?] There were going to be these big sweet-sour tears, piles of emails expressing sympathy, with me of course on centre stage. I'm fully convinced everything would have gone as planned but Jesus showed up - immediately that changed things! One of the scripture stories I had prayed this morning had this line, 'Peace, be still' and all of a sudden it didn't seem to apply so much to a historical turbulent storm in the Bible but to my planned homemade tears.[so much for that recipe, I've used it before and it always seemed to somewhat productive] Then I began to hear a voice whispering questions, 'Don't you think I can take care of 'Our' friend in prison, I specialize in that or have you forgotten in the midst of focusing on yourself?' 'Oh, the lady 'Our Father' called to his side, what's with getting all upset about that, place a speed bump in your agenda for today or this weekend?' This recipe of tears you're so pleased with, have you thought of adding a thorn or two, maybe throwing in some leather and for seasoning how about some iron?' As for your good wife's mother's torn Aorta, ever heard of the Great Physician, she's trusting in him - give her a call, you'll hear it in her voice. 'Eutychus, I think your pity party is a bit premature, or to be directly honest, its ridiculous.' Why don't you start rejoicing that you are free in so many ways, that I've joined you in ministering to others, that your good wife is being renewed and refreshed, and everything is my control ... oops think I pushed a button there with the word 'control' didn't I? ... Really all you need to worry about today is to be Obedient! .... oh, could you do something with that ugly blue banner that says, 'Woe Is Me?,' and I'm not real excited that you took out of context the prophet's words in your weak attempt to use him as a supporter. On the shelf in your heart there is a banner I brought with me, a bright gold one from that story you prayed earlier this morning, it says, 'PEACE!'


  1. It's so difficult to take the "I know about sparrows; don't you think I care about you" scriptures in Matthew seriously. For some reason, we believe it's more fun to worry and moan our circumstances. I wonder sometimes whether my worry and anxiety is merely a symptom of my immaturity.


  2. Sherm...
    I love that statement, 'my worries and anxieties are merely symptom's of my immaturity.' Could I use that, and I really doubt I'd be able to give you any royalties, but I am willing to give you credit??

  3. Sorry about your friend and all going on with your life... I really like the way Psalm 46 starts off in turmoil with wars and disasters, then ends with that "Be still and know that I am God. In the midst of trouble, we find him calm and calming
