Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Raining WHITE!

Just got a call from the good wife, and she and her little sister have safely arrived in Florida, and it is snowing WHITE SAND! So they will probably be sending a good part of the rest of the day resting on that white sand - they both more than deserve the r&r.


  1. I trust their deserved R&R does not include the absence of you. That would be pretty rude, actually.


  2. Their [especially the good wife]absence does include the absence of me .... Sherm, if one lives with me R&R is a much needed thing!

  3. Well, I wish it would hurry up and snow some real stuff here, I've only been on skis once this year.

  4. Sorry Sage...
    I'm on the other side on this issue; matter of fact anything we get on this side of town; I'll pay the city to truck over to you!

  5. Sage - We could swap locations. We have the second most amount of snow so far this year in our history. If I had skis, I would be sick and tired of them by now.
