Tuesday, September 29, 2009

'Through the Shadowlands'

A book review: 'Through the Shadowlands: The story of C.S.Lewis's life with
Joy Davidman.' C.S. Lewis. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Fleming Revell Publishers
ISBN: 0800755340
This is a tremendous story of how a later middle aged confirmed bachelor has his life completely changed by his love for a divorced American woman. By the time he meets her, C.S. Lewis is unquestionably our century's greatest Christian apologist. He has written numerous books not only defending the Christian faith, but how to live out that faith in even the most troubling and darkest of times. Yet as C.S. and Joy struggle with her constant, reappearing illnesses its brought home to him in the boldest terms how writing about something is often far different than experiencing it. Then after Joy's death as C.S. struggles with his emotions [something he's tried all of his life to control] he has an encounter with his thoughts about the God he loves and serves so much. He even comes to the place in his faith where he must work through [I won't be specific here so you'll read the book] some questions he never would have anticipated he'd ask.
We are going through a grieving course in our church on Monday nights and this story is an invaluable spiritual aid to us as we work our way through grief. Some friends, and many scholars say that some of Lewis's greatest works are the result of Joy's critiquing and those following her death. There is also a movie, 'Through the Shadowlands'. I would suggest first reading the book then as you view the movie, allow it to bring the emotions you've read about in the book to fruitation in you - its a life changing experience.

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