Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Anatomists .... a brief review

I have often heard how body snatching in the early days of medical exploration was frowned upon but heads turned the other way when it happened, as long as nothing outrageous took place. This novel is very good at explaining those times when something unusual about the body snatching took place, and the extreme radical conflicts of a greatly distressed public vs the medical establishment accused of robbing the dead. Today this all seems like a macabre story except when from time to time we hear modern day stories of funeral homes that take shortcuts and often rob the dead of dignity and possessions. Good read, not too deep into the particulars, but just enough to remind us of a bygone era ............ maybe in some weird way reflecting the present day conflict of cell marketing?!
MCDONALD, Hal. 'The Anatomists' HarperCollins Publishers. 2008
ISBN-13: 978073949484-4

1 comment:

  1. There's always been a conflict between the pursuit of scientific knowledge and common human morality. We see it even today. It's origins go back a long way.

