Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Grandpa, the medicine doctor!

Yesterday I blogged about my tough old gggrandpa who got his finger seriously bit and hacked it off. In a small book, 'Images of America: Unicoi & Limestone Cove' there is a picture of Civil War vet grandpa Daniel. I was wondering about his qualifications for being a doctor and here what I found. 'He used medical knowledge he learned while working with Civil War physicians to treat his grateful neighbors in Limestone Cove. In the last year of his life, 1919, 'Dr. Schultz,' as his patients called him was still delivering babies! I guess if you can just hack off a finger, you can still be delivering the neighbors babies at 76.

1 comment:

  1. We'd all probably cringe today, at the various past examples of people using practical knowledge instead of "book learnin.'" Nonetheless, people got by.

