Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Poll Sitting

Today, all day, I will be an election official at the primaries - so enjoy the day.


  1. Good for you. Don't get bored. I hope there's a good turn out.


  2. We get to vote today on whether or not we want our city to bail out a private institution in the name of "cultural arts" because they built a building privately after being voted down for public funding and now can't make the mortgage payments. Sigh. Sadly, I think it will pass.

    I think I would rather be voting on crooked politicians at your poll than dealing with this issue down here.

  3. It didn't look like you were working very hard...

    I felt bad for interrupting the group of you, who were all hiding behind books and newspapers, when I came in to vote. At first, I thought I must have mistakenly gone to the library and started to tip-toe out...

    I hope you had a few more "customers."

  4. Sherm...... sorry to say there was a 'poor' turnout. come to find out it was only one millage issue and two school board members running unopposed. The waste of money for the election process is so obvious. thanks for your response.

    Ed....only two politicians running unchallenged; and they don't even run my political party associations, a couple times I thought, if I'd known there would have been no challenger I would have literally run. If we hadn't had the millage issue, which was defeated in an earlier election back on the ballot there probably would have been only half as many there.

    Sage..... I wasn't even breaking a sweat!! Pitiful turnout.
