Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Home Run!

As everyone knows its a bit discouraging to read the headlines most days. Yesterday as I was reading an article on the current buzz about Arizona's new immigrant law again I was confronted with the fact that at least 19% of youth, between 12 -17yrs old, reported illicit drug use, and supposedly most of those drugs come from Mexican organizations. And those are just the teens who fess up. Later around 10:30pm I got a call from one of my younger grandsons, he was so excited. In his first little league game he hit a HOME-RUN ... and his team won 21-11! Now that is a headline for sure. Truthfully he didn't even sound that excited about winning the game, it was the home run that counted. I wish that often in the midst of adverse circumstances we could see the achievements of those who are trying with all their hearts, and applaud them, its good for the soul [their's and ours]. You go Southern Grandson, grams is cheering you on - even in those games when striking at air denies you a home run!


  1. Congratulations to your grandson!

  2. Good for him.

    I like watching my kids at soccer, basketball and track, but baseball is, to paraphrase Solomon in Proverbs, "The sport of my youth." I wish my boys had taken to it, but alas, soccer is their big thing.


  3. Thanks Sage

    Sherm.... The older I get the more I the 'pace' of baseball! Thanks.
