Friday, July 10, 2009

Where the River Ends

Where the River Ends, [a brief book review]; by Charles Martin. New York, New York. Random House Publishing. 2008; ISBN: 0767926994; 380pgs
I bought this book at a bookstore in Grand Rapids that I've never been to, and must put in a plug for it - SchulerBooks. Its really a great bookstore. I bought this book yesterday morning[Thursday] and read it last evening. The book comes with a sign on the front cover: Warning, This book will break your heart!
This to say the least, is a fascinating book. has 76 reviews of this novel, and/or you can go to my shelfari and get a preview there. Charles Martin is a southern writer so all of you, like Sage, who are in the Summer Southern Reading Challenge this is a book for you! If you like river life this author is very familiar with the southern river of St. Mary's that runs between Florida and Georgia; he is also extremely familiar with human society along the edge of the river, familiar with the fauna and the wildlife that lives in and off the river. The author is also well versed in the effects of climate and tides on the river , and the effects of flood stages ... an outdoor extravaganza for any wildlife enthusiasts. On a personal note the author reminds us that true love goes beyond the visual, beyond the physical and into the heart. My favorite line is when Abbie Grace, in a letter to her father, tells him, 'I have a gift for you, it is stored in my husbands chest - my heart.' One more clue: Early in their journey on the river they meet a human evil, which symbolizes the cancerous evil that challenges them, and keeps reappearing.


  1. Thanks for the review. Given that my mother's people are from Alabama (and part of her family would fit in well as characters from a Faulkner novel), I'll take Southern writers any time. There's more life their words, methinks.


  2. Sherm
    My oldest daughter, and husband and family, live in southern Alabama. He is a minister, and a part of his family lives [has lived all their lives] only minutes from them; his dad and mom live in northern Florida. I really enjoy visiting them. Last year when we visited they took us to Mobile, that was fun.
