Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sarah's Key

'Sarah's Key' .. A brief book review. DeRosnay, Tatiana. New York, New York. St. Martins Griffin Press., 2007 ISBN:9780312370848; 320 pages. Review questions at end of book.
This is a fantastic history novel. Its a good companion with Anne Frank's diary and the Book Thief. Its another one of those novels that deals with the horrors that children faced in the nazi holocaust; and how those that survived had to deal with unnecessary guilt issues that prohibited some of them from having mature, fruitful adult lives. This is a novel that illustrates the effects of one generation's war on generations to come, and how even those terrible memories can give us a sense of compassion for our families and fellow man. Needless to probably add, I immensely enjoyed this novel. There are some good reviews on


  1. Thanks for the review. If you have a chance, check out my 07/16 post about kids in Germany during the war, with specific emphasis on my mother-in-law's experience at the tail end of hostilities.


  2. Sherm
    I read your MIL's story ... that is fantastic, and it reminds me so much of 'Sarah's Key.' For some reason stories about 'little known personal heroism's' in WWII are really fascinating me. I'd suggest you get a copy of Sarah's Key for your daughter. Thanks so much for the inspirational reading.
