Saturday, July 18, 2009

New Gramps

This past Wednesday @1:30AM I became the proud Gramps of our 13th Grandchild!!! [7lbs.11oz. and 19 1/2 inches from tip of his head to his toes] A vote of everyone in the hospital was taken, [didn't miss anyone, we're talking thousands of people here] and everyone agreed my grandson was the sweetest, most handsome, gorgeous baby in the whole hospital complex ... or least I think that's how it went! Now get this, my grandson in the deep south found out his new cousins name on facebook before we got the call from my son [from the hospital] that they had finally decided what it was, then you should have heard that conversation, as the name kept getting garbled over the cell and gram was really giving our grandson strange names until they got it straightened out.
gramps eutychus

1 comment:

  1. You're looking at a lot of presents at Christmas and birthdays, not to mention just remembering all the names.


    Congrats to you and the proud parents.

