Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"PRAYERS FOR SALE" ... a review

“Prayers for Sale”
How many of us, at difficult times in our lives, would have given everything we owned to have someone pray for us with full confidence their prayer[s] were always answered? What in the beginning chapters of this book appears to be just a hoax turns out to be one of the most important ingredients of this book. The author presents us with a story where prayers are that subtle subject that in many ways controls the outward circumstances. Though I am not one for ‘feel good’ endings,in this novel those endings seem like they might never come about, and are genuinely welcome in the end; for they have been earned.

For the ‘first’ time I can recall I read this book one chapter every night,wanting to savor not the action but each character’s plight. When I was about four chapters from the conclusion I couldn’t hold back my interest a day longer and finished it. This is definitely an amazing book that talks about building relationships in a hostile atmosphere, and forgiving others when it’s the last thing you ever plan on doing. I look forward to reading the author’s other books.
DALLAS, Sandra. “Prayers for Sale” New York, New York.
St.Martins Press. 2009 ISBN: 978031238518-7

1 comment:

  1. There are two things people underestimate: The power of saying, "I'm sorry" and meaning it and the power of forgiveness. It's basically the Gospel in short form and it's no wonder.

