Monday, September 12, 2011

It's distant ................but it counts!

I have just discovered that I am a verrrry dissssssssssssstant relative of President Ulysses S. Grant and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. The discovery came when I was looking into the wife of my great great grandpa on my mothers side. Matter of fact I've visited the tombstone of that great great grandpa a couple of times, its less than 10 miles from my hometown; and his one son figured into my sabbatical journal as being 'called' to ministry. One day while just looking through my genealogical files on my mother's side I noted that I hadn't really done any exploring into her family history. It really bugs me when I find a relative whose genealogy is almost totally unknown, and besides the previous background info I had on her was seriously I began to explore.

Now I'm still trying to make sure my present info is authentic; and the sources from which I've attained seem to be ..... and if all this checks out I can claim distant relationship to two figures, each of which made a definite impact in their respective country's history ........and each contributed mightily in a time of war. Stay tuned for either further proof or correction - I really hope this stuff is true!!


  1. I was hoping to be a direct descendant of somebody famous but am still searching. I've gone far enough back on all lines to know that I can count any U.S. President out. But I perhaps still have hope that an earlier ancestor will connect us as perhaps you have. Currently, the only two people that I can claim share the same tree as me are Ralph Waldo Emerson and Oliver Wendell Holmes.

  2. Heck, I just tell people I'm a distant relative of Adam and Eve and leave it at that.

