Monday, September 27, 2010

Hard copy and old friend

I got this hair-brained idea [rather weird wording seeing I'm bald] to print the articles from my first year of blogging. Since I'm not a techie geek, and barely able to blog, there's an old nagging fear of losing everything to a worm or something; plus my mom and grandma don't use the internet and I would like them to read a little of what I've recorded. My first year wasn't that big, only from May to Dec. so I copied the articles and put them in a binder. One of these weeks I'll take it home with so that they can get an idea of what my blogging is all about. On a different note; while I was home last week visiting mom we went to her lawyers office to set up an appointment to get some of her financial matters updated. The name on the Law Firm included a name I recognized from back in my high school years when I helped coach 'Pee Wee League' baseball. Asking the receptionist if recognized a nickname we used to call the lawyer she replied he still was called by it; then she said he was in his office and might have time to see me ......... that turned out to be a great experience. After introducing myself, he didn't remember me, he remembered the head coach and remembered some high school helpers; That was over 45 years ago, and we still remembered the sponsor of the team and the team color yellow. He stood out to me because he was so energetic, and such a joy to be around; yet he always seemed to have trouble getting a good hit off of the t-ball stand. Yah, he remarked, I never was able to play baseball very well; eventually in high school he gave up on playing the sport and turned to law. After we had talked for a few minutes, I think we both had enjoyed the experience ... who would have guessed?!


  1. Hair brained ideas may have to do with our hair growing inwardly! There is a service that you can take a blog and turn it into a book--don't know anyone who has done it, but I've seen it advertised. Great reunion.

  2. Sage .... if you come across that service will you tune me in? thanks, buddy.

  3. I know of the service of which Sage speaks. I've toyed with the same idea. If I remember it, I'll drop you a line.


  4. Sherm........... thanks buddy! Then all I'll have to do is search for sponsors??!:~)
