Tuesday, December 20, 2011


After seeing trailers of the SNL broadcast on Tim Tebow I'm wondering if they would do the same today on someone who is a Muslim, a Buddhist or Jew?? Seems to be open season on Christians again .......... maybe it never stopped I just missed it?


  1. It is amazing how people get so vexed about Tebow. One can argue about his QB skill set, but the vitriol directed his way is just meanness.


  2. Sherm................. perhaps their vexation has more to do with his faith than his skills as you say. He certainly has a long way to go in QB proficiency ... but in this age of wanting perfection - and perfection now??
    have a great holiday season.

  3. I never saw the trailer... I know the Simpsons took some swipes at Christians, Jews and even Hindus (but seemed to steer clear of the Muslims). But I was never offended by them.

  4. Sage ............... I'm too old to be offended because someone blast my faith .... just be equal about it with everyone else's, isn't that what our country was built on ... slam everybodys?
